Saturday 5 June 2010

Sunny Saturday Morning Run

This morning, we decided that I would run in the local park and Chris would go swimming, because the local pool was near the park Chris, could walk me there. I've not lived in Stratford that long and I wasn't sure where the park was. I wanted to try running outside and I'm not very confident to walk around outside in my running gear on my own. Just before we headed out, Chris decided he wanted to run with me. He as a achy ankle, so wanted to test it out.

We walked in a fast pace to West Ham Park to warm up. I was already feeling the morning heat. It's gonna be a scorcher today! Chris handed me his Android phone, which has a GPS running app and we were off. Chris is not much of a runner, but is still faster than me. I told him to carry on and I would follow his route. I didn't start off fast, but I already felt out of my comfort zone of the gym. Chris noticed a running track at the park and headed over to the grass. I was starting to really feel the heat, the track didn't have any shady areas either. I managed 2 laps and indicated to Chris I wanted to stop. He had done an extra lap, but we were both happy with our first little run together and headed home.

We're heading to the westend, this afternoon to spot more elephants, which are part of the Elephant Parade. I have already managed to photograph 60 and have been saving the big cluster near Carnaby Street. I'll get Chris to GPS the walk, so I can add my stats later. I may even start to add pictures to my blog...

Activity1 - Running
Time - 11mins
Distance - 1.75km
WW Activity Points - 1.5

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