Tuesday 8 June 2010

4k Tuesday

I'm wearing my Weight Watchers pedometer today. No reason, just felt like it. I just took the picture to show how many steps I'd walked so far. (13.45pm)I think you're supposed to to 10k.

Anyway, back to Juneathon. Today I was determined to have a proper run. I've been tired and have done little runs. I had my Audio Fuel and I was ready. The gym was packed and I ended up with a treadmill without a telly. I quite like breakfast TV without the sound.

I started well and kept my pace consistent. By the 20 minutes, I was actually enjoying it. I managed my best run yet. I think I'm gonna do little runs during the week and a 4k one every Tuesday. That way I can see it I beat my previous time.

Activity - Gym Running
Time - 30mins
Distance - 4.1km
Calories - 204


  1. 4 km in 30 minutes is an impressive pace.

  2. great time for your run well done:)

  3. You are such a runner now, gadgets and everything ;) Really happy you are enjoying it so much, you'll be entering races and everything next...
